Answer from a General Insurance Agent
Yes, though there seems to be many opinions here. The "Correct" answer is "Yes". You can buy Auto Insurance with just a permit. In fact, all drivers are required to carry proof of Financial Responsibility Regardless of the status of your license. You "can" purchase Auto Insurance with a permit, with a temporary license, a foreign license, a conditional license or any other type of license.
A "Permit" is permission to drive and therefore a temporary license with certain restrictions. A Drivers Permit comes with all the responsibilities of anyone who operates a motor vehicle on public roads, including your financial responsibility.
There is No law that prohibits a driver from purchasing insurance. The law does not require you to be licensed at all in order to purchase Insurance. The Law requires you to have some type of license or permit to operate a motor vehicle on "Public Roads". You are "Not" required to be licensed nor insured to operate a vehicle on "Private Roads".
Although most insurance companies will require you to have a license of some type before they will offer you coverage, this is a matter of the company's underwriting guidelines, not a matter of law.
When you deal with what we in the Business refer to as a "Captured Agent" and "Standard Lines Agent" Representing a single Insurance Brand, They are known by slogans like Good Hands people in All States, "Farm" Insurers of the State variety "is there", and some others. You have to understand that these Captured Agents are not required to pass independently administered State Licensing Exams. They only take an internally adminstered company exam on company property overseen by company employees where cookies and tea are served and with no impartial third party supervision. As you might have guessed "Everybody Passes". The result is that they tend to have very little knowledge about insurance laws and regulations, but they know an awfull lot about company slogans and predefined package policy guidelines. They quite often and quite erroneously quote those company guidelines as "Law", when in truth they never even had to learn the law. They offer cookie cutter package policies which require the agent to have little knowledge or experience of anything that does not fit the pattern. A captured Agent is prohibited from offering any other company's product line and are basically owned by indentured servitude to the domestic insurance company they represent.
In Contrast, An Independent Insurance agent has to take an exam on non company property administered and strictly supervised by a paid disinterested third party, usually at a licensed independent testing facility or an institution of higher education. Typically, about half the class will pass the exam on a given day. A separate exam is required for each class or line of insurance for which the agent wishes to be licensed. An Independent Agent will generally have a vastly superior understanding of insurance regulations because they actually had to study and pass a real exam.
An Independent Agent typically will represent dozens of different domestic, foreign and international Insurance Companies. The result is an expansive knowledge and experience with a wide variety of standard, nonstandard and customized coverage forms at a much lower rate than the good hands people could never come close too.
Internationally known insurers almost never bicker about claims nor do they get bogged down in trivia. Even NASA obtains it's insurance from an International Carrier. Just take a look at what happened after Katrina. Most people found that they were "not in good hands" at all and that the farm people "were not there" nor even anywhere in sight. No complaints have been registered by those who obtained their insurance through independent agencies.
Insurance for a New Driver
You have to keep in mind that a "permit" holds more weight than maybe 20 or 30 years ago. In many states it really constitutes a RESTRICTED LICENSE meaning by legal definition insurance companies still can and to an extent are REQUIRED to insure you if you pay them and furnish the permit.
There are however many uppity high class insurance companies like State Farm or 21st century that won't insure someone learning who dosen't have a full unrestricted license, but they won't insure anyone for that matter who does not have 3 YEARS of VERIFIABLE, PERFECT (no points, accidents) of licensed driving experience. It is absolutely possible for you to get insurance. Check you phone book and try to find an agent. Depending on how old you are, the rates may be steep.. but yes not every company is going to deny you and WARNING: Your parent's insurance will not neccessarily cover you if you're not SPECIFICALLY LISTED.
In most cases, like what happened to me if there's a problem they aren't even going to ask to see your guardian's license. I know because I was in a major accident two weeks ago, and I have a learner permit and have for almost 20 years. They didn't even care to see my wife's lic. If you're driving, you're are still soley responsible no matter what restrictions are imposed.
More advice from other FAQ Farmers:
No. You cannot get insurance when you have just a learner's permit. You have to be a licensed driver. Until then, you should be covered by the insurance of the parent/guardian that you are required to drive with.
I have a Leaners Permit in the state of Virginia, I was able to purchase my own car, and start an insurance policy with progressive. With no one else on the policy but myself, So at least in the State of Virginia you can, the statement above is very true. It depends on state law, and the policy of the insurance company but yes i was able to do it.
Somewhere, somehow, there's insurance available to you, though as you've discovered, it gets pretty expensive (don't worry; that typically changes the longer you carry insurance and assuming you're accident-free).
Yes, insurance companies do insure people with just a learner's permit; however, these are typically teenagers who are under their parents' insurance policies. You'll find coverage.
Just today I tried getting auto insurnace with just a learners permit. I called 10 different places and noone could help me. I finally called Gindin Insurance Agency. They gave me a quote, it was expensive but at least they can give me insurance! So there are companies out there that will give insurance with just a learners permit.
Yes you can! I had my learner's permit and got auto insurance. Basically, my husband had car insurance already with progressive (he has his license). They just added me to his plan as an "unrated driver". It added $8 to our plan. Call them and ask about it.
Most of the time you need someone with a drivers license on the insurance policy. After that you can either be added as an unrated driver, or not added at all. I don't know about other states but in Illinois you are not allowed to drive with just a learner's permit, you need someone with a valid license in the car at all times while driving. Most of the time that's a parent, in which case their insurance covers anything that you do while driving with them.
For basic insurance for washington state its about 120.37 (for me) a month.
I just made twenty calls today and was told that in MA it is illegal for them to sell me insurance if I only have a learner's permit.
You should as long as you aren't trying to use one of those super upscale companies like 21st century or State Farm - that require more than 3 yrs LICENSED experience and a SPOTLESS driving record. Look in your telephone book for smaller more domestic insurance AGENTS and what they will do is take your imformation and put it in a computer search engine to return you the most reasonable rate possible. 98.9% of these agents will tell you that it makes no difference if it's a permit because a license is a license, bottom line. The condition you must be with another licensed driver is a restriction imposed, just like if you have an A restriction for corrective lenses or D for daylight driving only. It holds essentially the same weight and when you pass the road test your LIC# does not change either. I was involved in a MAJOR accident with a permit last week, (no I've never had a full license in the 20 years since I was 16) and I tried to show the officers my wife's license along with mine, and he didn't even care to see it!! I was cited, she was not and AIG, my insurance provider had mercy and didn't raise my rates. Like I said having a learner's license has little or no affect over everything per se. Whatever you do, just don't get caught driving with no insurance! :)
Answer for antoher expert:
Hi, I'm a P&C Underwriter for a national direct insurance company. Some of the answers here are incorrect or unintentionally misleading. Keeping in mind that my observations will be limited to the auto contract that my company uses and there may be some discrepancies (but most contracts are very similar) here are my answers: No insurance company is required to issue you a policy. However, if they do they are required to pay out on any claims unless you the policy holder made a material misrepresentation when the policy was quoted to you. I do not think that neglecting to inform the company that you only have say 30 days experience driving motor vehicles is a problem, but if they ask you 'So you have a regular Virginia drivers license?' and you reply 'Yes.' it could be construed as you misrepresentating yourself, since a graduated/permit license is not nominally considered a 'regular' license. Most companies will order a MVR and a CLUE (comphrensive loss underwriting exchange) report on the spot on you so they'll know exactly what kind of license you have anyway.
To shortern that previous paragraph up: Yes, you probably can get a insurance policy with a learners permit so long as you tell the insurance company all you have is a permit.
Next Answer:
i just called esurance, if you have a parent/guardian with them you can get insurance.just my 2 cents!!
Next Answer:
Yes you can, but typically only under your parent or guardian's policy, according to Reference:\'s%20permit
Can you get auto insurance with just a learner's permit?
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
9:51 PM
Labels: auto insurance with learner's permit, insurance policy
Where can you buy non-owner auto insurance?
Non-Owner Auto Insurance
In Texas you can buy Non Owners Auto Insurance anytime at No Need for a Bond. You should not need a bond to obtain non owner coverage. The Law in Texas allows you to file a bond if you so choose rather than purchase liability Insurance. The filing of a Bond or the Purchase of Auto Insurance with at least the state minimum requirments are both ways to comply with the State's Financial Responsibility Requirements. An umbrella policy as discussed below will likely only be an option if you already have other insurance coverage in the Property or casualty line.
Another perspective:
These can be purchased from MOST insurance companies that issue non-standard policies.
More input from others:
Talk to your insurance agent about an "umbrella" policy.
If you are self employed you can purchase a commercial liablity policy and most of them have an option to add non-owned auto coverage.
I'm a property and casualty agent and we sell non-owner's policies through GMAC Insurance. It's the same as liability only, but usually cheaper.
Non-owners coverage is mainly to cover you with liability for what you do to others, if you get in anyones car , or a rental car , or ANY car you do not own. (Non-owned by you). Having a DWI on record...the State (ANY) will not give you back your license unless you have Proof Of FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ( which is what you have when you have INSURANCE). It is the liability insurance that pays for what you do to others when you run into them with an auto. ( You are wanting a license to DRIVE) The STATE wants you to cover what you are liable for if you are AT-FAULT driving a car/truck/any vehicle. There are only two things you can do to me when you run into me with a car...Bodily Injury or Property Damage. My bodily injury may be Medical bills, therapy, wooden leg cost and my pain and suffering. Property Damage is the car you hit, the bridge rail, store front,or anything else that was not a body, that got smashed in the accident. They only require you carry a little in each area. There is a minimum Liability for each STATE. Go to an Independant Agent...each state has an ASSIGNED RISK PROGRAM...which means they have to cover you thru the STATES ASSIGNED RISK PLAN, at the STATES set dollar rates...even if they don't want to. Every agent in every state I know has to offer to write you with the ASSIGNED RISK PLAN if you request he do so. (Like ANY Allstate, State Farm, Farmers etc.) I know INDEPENDANT AGENTS have usually 5 or more auto companies they can write thru...including the STATES ASSIGNED RISK PLAN. Give an Agent in your area a call...the good ones will treat you just the same as any other customer...and get you the best deal to meet the states requirements, no matter what your record. If they treat you in a way that makes you feel bad, or like a criminal...get up in the middle of what ever they are telling you... politely turn on your heels and find another. If you ask for the assigned risk plan and they the STATE BOARD OF INSURANCE...file a complaint on the guy. My best customers are the ones I helped the most, when they needed it, and 23 years later I still had 92% of them and their grown up kids. When you get the NON-OWNERS insurance you must call the agent later if you buy a he can change it to an OWNERS policy. DO NOT ASK FOR COMMERCIAL...NON-OWNERS...It is for a business that uses a borrowed, or rented, or employees car/truck on a COMPANY JOB...or in connection with the business. The AGENT you talk to will know what you need.
More input:
I do not think an Umbrella policy is what you are looking for. Non-owner auto policies are offered by almost every national insurance carrier, simply call one.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
9:43 PM
Labels: buy umbrella policy, non owner auto insurance, obtain non owner coverage
How does a speeding ticket affect your auto insurance?
If your are over twenty five and this is the only ticket on your record in the last three years it will make little difference on your auto insurance rates. Insurance companies do not necessarily review your driving record every year. It is checked when you first apply and then it depends on the policy of that particular company.
The problems will start with your second ticket. That is why it is important to keep any and all tickets off your record. Many states will allow you to take traffic school or they have a deferment program.
Check the laws in your state to see what options are available. In most cases just showing up on your court date will allow you to negotiate for a reduction in the fine and points.
If you drive a company vehicle or have a CDL license it is very important to keep your driving record clean because the records of these drivers are checked every year.
As a general rule you can expect one four point ticket to increase your insurance premiums by at least 50% for each of the next three years. In many cases it is cost effective to retain an attorney.
There are too many individual factors to predict how much, if any, this one speeding ticket will increase the insurance premiums for the entire family.
It depends on the number of cars, number of drivers and their MVR's, the insurance carrier, previous losses and state law.
Many insurance companies will not check your MVR every year unless there is a change to the policy. If they do not check, then your rates will not change. Typically insurance companies only check high risk drivers and those who drive a company vehicle every year.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
8:55 PM
Labels: speeding ticket
How do you decide who's at fault in an accident?
Here's a link for advice on determining who is at fault in a car accident.
Besides the website recommended above, you should consider point-of-impact, whether the alley is one way or two way, and what a reasonably prudent driver would be expected to do in this situation.
In your case, the point-of-impact is very telling. It's one thing to hit the rear corner of a car backing down an alley, but it's quite another to hit that car on a door. Your neighbor, even while backing, probably had the greater duty since you clearly had control of the roadway.
If there's any comparative negligence on your part, it would be minimal unless the alley is one way and statutes specifically prohibit backing in such a location. A statute of this type could be used as a defense for your neighbor because the statute would have been created with just this scenario in mind (i.e., don't back down a one way alley because most people wouldn't think to look more than once in that direction).
Another thing to consider: Your neighbor basically struck the middle of your car. She has a duty to watch for oncoming traffic. Clearly she wasn't watching. Now, suppose that had been a person? What would her defense be?
Fault is determined partially by the laws of your state.
Contributory Negligence Comparative Negligence
Under which of these systems does your state operate.
In one...the person who is 51% at fault will pay for all damage. In the other a percentage of blame is assigned and each pays that percent of the others damage.
It could also be a NO-Fault state in which your own company pay regardless of who is at fault.
General rule of thumb....the person with control of the "roadway" has right of movement. Anyone entering the roadway must yeild to the ongoing traffic.
A smart attorney could argue a case that alley's are not roadways.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
8:51 PM
Labels: who's at fault in an accident
How do you find out if someone has a life insurance policy on you?
Life Insurance on You?
Here is some input from FAQ Farmers:
If you feel that someone has fradulently placed an insurance policy on you, please contact the Medical Information Bureau by going to They have a fraud investigation department.
I have done some research and seems to be the best result so far.
The only way someone can have a life insurance policy on you is if you signed an application giving your consent. Other than this, your parents might have taken out a policy on you before you were 15 years old. If this is the case, then they wouldn't have needed your signature.
First of all, did you sign an application? Second, try this link: For more info see
Ask your parents.
Did you sign an application? Did she have an "Insurable Interest?"
Insurers use extreme caution when issuing such policies. In some states the law requires the insurer to notify the person of the action and major insurance companies will notify the person whether it is required by law or not. Be that as it may, checking with the Medical Information Bureau to find out if any inquiries have been made into one's medical history might be of some help. http://www.
See the Related Link for "Steve Shorr Insurance" to the right for the answer.
You'll have to ask them. There is no database that you can access for that information.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
8:49 PM
Labels: Insurable Interest, Life Insurance
How can you find out the salvage value of a totalled car?
15-20% of the retail value of the vehicle at the time of loss is often a reasonable estimate.
You could try calling a salvage yard to get an idea. A vehicle totalled due to front end damage will have a lower salvage value than the same vehicle totalled due to a rear impact.
More input from other experts:
• I asked a Farm Bureau adjuster that same question and was told that it was 15% of the car's value. He then told me my salvage value was 2,500 on a vehicle he said was worth 7,500. (Comps and all listings on the internet had the vehicle at 10500-12500. He explained this difference as the difference in replacement costs and cash value.) He then said that the big discrepancy in salvage value was because the particular vehicle was in high demand so the salvage value was more. I could get no reference source or anything else from him. It appeared that they may just make it up.
• There really is no way to tell someone the salvage value of a car now, as compared to what the company will pay at the exact time of loss. Although, keep in mind also, that all insurance companies have different formulas and conditions for paying out on a total loss. For instance, I know of a few companies in Illinois that will formulate a value at time of loss based on the following factors: Cars Condition before the accident, current blue book value, current dealer re-sale prices, current salvage values, and current newspaper listing prices. Taking all these sources of info into consideration, it is difficult to say the least to compose a salvage value, until the actual time of loss, and after an adjuster examines the damaged vehicle.
• Generally, insurance adjusters are money-grubbing bottom feeders. If insurance companies didn't deny people the coverage they paid for, they wouldn't make as much money, so they do their best to screw you. If you are offered a check to cover a claim and you believe the offer is unfair, then do not accept it, and continue to push the insurance company for more money. Search the Internet for tips on doing this. You can often save literally thousands of dollars by not accepting unfair insurance offers. This may take substantial effort and time, but don't let yourself be pushed around.
• First off, Insurance Companies are not money grubbers. At least not all of them. There are some insurance companies out there that will screw you over but the right companies will be fair and reasonable to you. For instance, I know that The Hartford asks you what the condition of your car was prior to the accident, the adjuster who goes out to look at the vehicle looks at any prior damage on the vehicle and any mechanical malfunctions. They then go on the market (Auto Trader is used commonly) and search for vehicles in the same category condition and base your vehicles value on that value. They then retain the salvage. I know however that if you choose to keep your salvage title, they take the market value of the car and subtract with the salvage value and thats the money you get along with keeping your car. The main point of giving you market value is so that you can go out and buy the same exact car in the same condition as your vehicle was prior to the loss. In conclusion, there are some fair companies out there. Its the consumers sometimes that keep trying to take more because they see a no fault auto accident as a way to make money.
• I really take acception to people expressing their lack of faith in insurance companies. They for the most part are not the bad guys. They have a contract with their insured and most will provide a reasonable price to replace a totalled vehicle. Think about what most consumers expect with their vehicle. They expect to have more than they had and insurance is designed to put you back in the car of like kind and quality.
• If you think you are being lowballed by the insurance company than you may invoke the policy section where disagreements about settlement value can result in an independant appraisal/mediation. You will have to pay half of the fee for this, though.
Whoever thinks that insurance companies are reasoable and work to be fair is either deluded or sells insurance. Trying to deal with an insurance company by yourself is a losing game. You need an attorney in 90% of the cases where they are being unfair.
Most of the people who hate insurance companies look for betterment. They look to make money to screw the insurance company. In the area of totaling a vehicle, attorneys don't help at all, they don't even like getting into the property damage portion of the claim, only bodily injury so don't waste your money. Salvage value is about 20-25% of actual cash value. It depends where the damage is. Many vehicles sell high for salvage so don't let your small local junkyard offer you $100 for your car.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
8:41 PM