Type in “auto financing” on any search engine and the list is endless— whether you have good credit or bad credit, someone out there is willing to finance your car for a price. Similarly, if you search for auto insurance companies, you’ll find many that offer you auto insurance coverage— no matter what your driving record is like.
Car dealerships try to simplify the car buying process as much as possible to encourage people with good credit to buy from them. However, even if your credit is less than perfect, some dealerships may still work with you to get the sale.
Keep these things in mind when you’re looking for auto financing for your vehicle:
If a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Zero-financing and other offers may not apply to you unless you have excellent credit.
Some car dealerships that arrange financing mark up their rates by 2 or 3%, which can cost you thousands of dollars more to pay back. According to the Consumer Federation of America, marked-up dealer financing affects 1 out of 4 people— and it’s perfectly legal!
How can you get the best deal on auto-related costs, like financing and auto insurance?
Use the Internet to research prices, which will help you negotiate the best price. Web sites like Yahoo! Autos and The Motley Fool can help you figure out vehicle prices and financing.
Never be afraid to leave a dealership or seek another bank or credit union to handle your financing. All of these companies compete for your business— so you should never feel pressured to buy.
Obtain a copy of your credit report that includes your credit score and use it as a bargaining tool.
Apply these same principles when you shop for auto insurance. Shop around and always look for the best deal. (You can't put a price on loyalty!)
Esurance makes it easy to shop around. Find out if you save with us when you get your auto insurance quote today!
In addition to great rates and reliable coverage, Esurance has tools and information to help you understand your auto insurance coverage better. Use the Esurance FAQ for answers to your auto insurance-related questions. Get a customized report from our interactive, auto insurance planning tool, the Esurance Coverage Counselor to see which levels of coverage suit you best.
Auto Financing & Auto Insurance
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
8:07 AM
Q&A Auto Insurance
What car insurance companies DON'T use a credit score when deciding rates?
whether you're against it or not, it's a factor. and sorry, i don't know of ANY companies out there that don't use it. i know about 99% use credit scores, so good luck finding the one or two that havent jumped on that wagon... yet. I've bookmarked this site to go back to... http://www.safelinked.info/go.php?link=insurance All the best to you.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
8:06 AM
Labels: Most popular Car insurance questions and answers from FAQs
Q&A Auto Insurance
I have liability insurance. If I lend my car out to a friend, will my insurance pay in case of an accident?
Best Answer
Yes. However, does he have regular access to your car? If he borrows it more than once a month, or more than ten times a year, you should add him as an operator. Also, if he cracks it up, it's great that the other guy is covered, but . . .can you afford to buy a new car? Because you won't have any coverage for YOUR car.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
8:05 AM
Labels: Most popular Car insurance questions and answers from FAQs