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Auto Insurance Word Search Puzzle: Solution
Discover one important way to avoid car accidents
The hidden message in our puzzle is: "Please, do NOT drink and drive!"
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Auto Insurance Solution
11:21 PM
Helping Named Drivers Keep Their Auto Insurance Premiums Down
Many teenagers see their driver's license as a passage of independence from their parents or a chance to head out on the open road with their friends. That is until they find out how much auto insurance is going to cost them - then being on Mom and Dad's policy doesn't seem so embarrassing!
Due to the lack of funds, many teenagers elect to become a named driver on their parent's auto insurance policy. This solution works for a while, but eventually these teens graduate from school, land their first job and purchase their first automobile - only to be faced again with the high cost of auto insurance premiums as a first time policyholder. It's a vicious cycle many young adults just can't seem to avoid.
However, one auto insurance company in England has developed a solution to help named drivers develop a driving history while they are on their parents' or guardians' insurance policy. This new plan allows the named driver to build up a no-claims discount in the event they do not make a claim while on another driver's policy. For instance, under this arrangement a teenager who spends three years as a named driver and does not make a claim could potentially receive up to a 50% discount when they switch over to their own plan. That's a considerable discount when you are just starting out on your own!
Even though this policy is not yet available in the U.S., there are steps young adults can take to help reduce their auto insurance premium, such as:
Buying an older car vs. a newer model. Typically older cars cost less to insure verses newer, faster models
Avoid modifying your car. Adding chrome rims and grills, customized murals, Spree wheels (spinner rims), pipes, decked out stereo systems, ground effects and hydraulics will only increase your auto insurance premium, possibly making it more than you can afford.
Drop collision coverage on less valuable cars. Multiply your current annual insurance premium by 10. If your vehicle is worth less than that amount, consider dropping the collision and /or comprehensive coverage portion of your policy. Not sure how much your car is worth? Visit the Kelley's Blue Book website to find out.
Ask for higher deductibles. Requesting a higher deductible can help lower your auto insurance rate by 15 to 30 percent. However, if you decide to do this, make sure you have enough money set aside in the event you have to make a claim.
Take a defensive-driving class. Often, auto insurance companies will offer drivers a 10% discount just for taking a defense-driving course. Check with your local city or town to find a class near you.
Combination discounts. Many times insurance companies will give a 10% - 20% discount to customers who insure both their house and car, multiple cars or take out renters' insurance and car insurance with the same company. It's a potential savings worth inquiring about.
Maintain a good credit history. Numerous insurance companies base your insurance premium on your credit score. So the better your credit score, the lower your insurance rate will be!
Low mileage discount. Some insurance companies offer discounts to motorists that drive lower than the average number of miles allotted per year. So if you work close to home or take the train or bus to work each day you might be eligible for this discount.
Group insurance discounts. Membership has its rewards! If you belong to an alumni group, club or organization then you might be eligible for a group discount just for being a member. Check with your organization or ask your insurance company if your club is eligible.
Shop around. Prices vary from insurance company to insurance company. So make sure to do your research first before you make your final decision. For assistance, logon to's auto quote comparison module. Here you will be able to compare the quotes of up to 12 insurance providers, helping you save time and most importantly money on your auto insurance rate.
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Auto Insurance Solution
9:34 PM
The Consequences of Not Having Auto Insurance
When young adults graduate college they have aspirations of starting their first "real world" job, getting their own place and buying a brand new car - one that does not need a screwdriver to start. However, college students are also graduating with much more than just a college degree and a dream, they are graduating with a substantial amount of debt. In fact, many students graduate with an average of $3,262 in credit card debt - 10 percent of that group owing more than $7,000 in credit card charges.
Students forget to factor in other life costs, such as health care, 401K deductions, income taxes, car payments, auto insurance, rent, utility bills, student loans, credit card bills and food expenses into their monthly budget. "After you graduate and land your first job, you do not think about having to pay for all of these expenses," stated a graduate from Ohio University. "Unfortunately, reality sets in pretty fast and you realize you do not have the money to make ends meet - it is a hard lesson to learn!"
College Debt
Why is there so much credit card debt among college students? "Many credit card companies set up kiosks on college campuses offering free pizzas and t-shirts to try and entice students to sign up for a credit card," noted David Roush, CEO of "The problem is many college students do not have the income or financial knowledge to manage a credit card - a problem that is leading students into a lifetime of financial despair."
In addition to the outrageous credit card bills, students are also graduating with student loans ranging from $10,000 to $52,000 or more. Often students figure they will be able to pay everything off once they get a job and start making "real" money, but that simply is not the case.
Not only are credit card and student loan bills financially crippling to many new graduates, it is also forcing grads to cut back on other necessary expenses, such as auto insurance - one bill you legally cannot drive without! "Driving without auto insurance is illegal in all 50 states, however, many young adults elect to go without auto insurance because they think they cannot afford to have it," stated Roush. "A scary thought when 15.3% of all automobile accidents are caused by drivers between the ages of 20 - 24."
While deciding not to pay for auto insurance may seem like a good idea at the time, graduates are not considering the expense of getting caught without auto insurance or the cost of getting into an automobile accident. "Imagine if you had to pay the medical bills of someone who gets injured in car accident when you are at fault - suddenly paying for car insurance does not seem so bad," says Roush.
The Penalty of Driving Without Auto Insurance
According to the Insurance Information Institute, the cost of driving without auto insurance can vary from state to state, depending on the percentage of drivers who are uninsured in that state. For instance, in Massachusetts residents can be charged anywhere from $500 to $5,000 in fines and receive a one-year jail sentence. In Florida, Louisiana, Connecticut and New Jersey, drivers operating a vehicle without the state required minimum will have their vehicles impounded - which can cost you thousands depending on how long it takes you to get your car out.
To find out the auto insurance state minimum and fines and penalties for driving without insurance in your state, visit the Department of Motor Vehicles' website.
How to Budget For Auto Insurance
As you look for auto insurance, make sure to check if the insurer offers a 6-month or 12-month payment plan to help you manage your auto insurance payments better. In addition, many auto insurance providers offer a variety of discounts, including alumni discounts. So make sure to ask if your college or university is eligible for a discount, because every bit helps when you are first starting out on your own.
To help make researching auto insurance rates easier, offers an auto insurance comparison application. Here, you will be able to evaluate multiple rates from best-in-class insurance providers - helping you find the best auto insurance coverage for your newly graduated budget.
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Auto Insurance Solution
9:33 PM
comments's Steps to Take When You're in a Car Accident
If you've been in a car accident, then you know how scary and confusing it can be. It is easy to find yourself mixed up and unsure of the details you need to protect yourself and your passengers. Your auto insurance company will handle a lot of the logistics out of your control. To help you remain organized and focus on what you can control, the following are steps to take when you're in a car accident.
Car Accident Kit
Just in case the worst ever happens, prepare a car accident kit to keep in your glove box. Your kit should include a pen, a pad of paper, your vehicle's registration, a copy of your auto insurance card, emergency contact numbers and a disposable camera. Also, you should include road flares (available from many auto part stores) or 'light sticks' that can be used at night to warn drivers of the accident. Small reflective road signs are also available that can be placed several hundred feet before and after the accident to make other drivers know they have to slow down or avoid the area.
Stay Calm
Car accidents can happen quickly. That is why it is important to stay calm, collect your thoughts and evaluate the situation at hand. Staying calm will not only help you remember the details of the accident, but it will also help keep all parties involved focused on the accident.
Make Sure No One is Hurt
Check for injuries to yourself, your passengers and the other parties involved. Do not move any injured people; instead call 911 for medical assistance.
Move Your Car
In the case of a minor impact or fender bender, you should pull over into a shoulder, taking your vehicles out of the main stream of traffic. However, if the accident is more serious, do not move any vehicles. Instead, set down flares, warning triangles, light sticks or other such items to alert both oncoming and following traffic. Set these warning signs up both ahead and behind the incident, and if the accident occurred near a bend in the road, set up the warnings on either side of the bend.
Call the Police
No matter how minor of an accident, call 911 to report the incident. If the police are unable to come to the scene, make sure to exchange the following information with all parties involved including;
Phone number
Auto insurance company name and phone number
Policy number
Driver's license number
License plate number
Year, make, model and color of car
In addition, make sure to get the names, address, phones and driver's license numbers of all witnesses.
File a Report
In the event that the police are not able to respond to your call, you'll need to go to the nearest police station and file an accident report. This report will also help your auto insurance company during the claims process.
Document the Accident
Use your disposable camera from your car accident kit to photograph the cars involved, the position of the cars and any damage done to the vehicles. If you don't have your camera available, make sure to write down detailed notes of the accident for your auto insurance company.
Know What to Say and Not Say
While at the scene, do not tell the other drivers or the police officer that you think the car accident was your fault and don't discuss the specifics of the accident with anyone other than the police officer or your auto insurance company agent. In addition, do not accept any monetary compensation from the other driver; your auto insurance agency will take care of reimbursing you for the damage.
Call Your Auto Insurance Company Immediately
As soon as you can, report the car accident to your auto insurance company. To help expedite the call, make sure to have the following information in front of you,
Date and time of the car accident
The direction and speed you and the other drivers were going
How the car accident occurred
Name and information of the parties and witnesses involved
If anyone was injured in the car accident
Where and what damage was done to your car
Police report number
Know What Your Car Insurance Policy Covers
Depending on the damage to your car, you may need to rent a car while your vehicle is in the repair shop. If part of your car insurance coverage, your auto insurance company will reimburse you for the use of the rental car. However, if rental coverage is not part of your auto insurance policy, then you will be responsible for the cost of the rental car - a hard lesson to learn after you've been involved in a car accident.
Your best option is to do your homework first and find out if rental coverage is part of your policy and if not, call your auto insurance company and request to have it added. To assist you with your research, offers an auto comparison application that helps you compare the rates of up to 12 auto insurance companies - helping you save time and money on your auto insurance.
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Auto Insurance Solution
9:31 PM
Top 10 Things to Know About Life Insurance
We all recognize the importance of life insurance. After all, we want to make sure that our loved ones are taken care of when we die. But before you run out and purchase a policy, do some research ahead of time. That way, you'll be sure to get the best possible coverage at the right price. Here are some helpful tips to get you started:
1. Shop around
2. Never buy more coverage than you need
3. The healthier you are, the better the rates
4. Buy sooner rather than later
5. Realize the importance of periodically reviewing your coverage
6. You don't necessarily have to pay a commission
7. You may be paying more for monthly premium payments
8. Don't rely solely on the life insurance offered by your employer
9. Tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth
10. Buying more is sometimes cheaper
Shop around
When it comes to life insurance, it pays to shop around because premiums can vary widely. And thanks to the Internet, it's now easier than ever. Try out one of the many insurance websites that can provide you with instant quotes. Make sure the website you shop from takes into consideration the factors in your medical history that can affect the premiums.
Never buy more coverage than you need
The key to purchasing the right amount of life insurance is to have just enough coverage to meet your needs. If you have more life insurance than you need, you'll be paying unnecessarily for higher premiums. On the other hand, it's important not to have too little coverage, resulting in you being underinsured.
The healthier you are, the better the rates
It's true – healthy people get better rates on life insurance. You will be asked to pay a higher rate for anything that shortens your life expectancy (e.g., if you smoke, take medications regularly, are overweight, have a bad driving record).
Buy sooner rather than later
If you've been putting off purchasing life insurance because you don't want to pay the premiums, you may be doing yourself a disservice in the long run. The younger you are when you purchase life insurance, the lower your premiums will be.
Realize the importance of periodically reviewing your coverage
Any life change signals the need for a review of your overall financial plan. When it comes to life insurance coverage, you'll want to make sure that this major life event (e.g., birth of a child, children are grown) won't leave you underinsured or overinsured.
You don't necessarily have to pay a commission
One of the reasons for higher premiums is that most life insurance policies pay commissions to the agent/broker. However, you may be able to purchase a no-load policy through an insurer that sells no-load policies directly to consumers.
You may be paying more for monthly premium payments
You may not realize it, but you may be paying more for your life insurance if you pay your premium in monthly installments. Many insurance companies charge extra fees if you make monthly premium payments instead of paying the annual premium.
Don't rely solely on the life insurance offered by your employer
Many employers offer their employees some sort of group life insurance. But this amount of coverage is usually not enough to adequately meet your life insurance needs. In addition, group life insurance policies are not portable, meaning that if you leave your job, you can't take your life insurance coverage with you.
Tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth
If you're thinking about lying on your insurance application, think again. If your insurance company finds out that you lied about a health-related condition or your lifestyle (e.g., smoking habit), they may be able to terminate your coverage.
Buying more is sometimes cheaper
Life insurance usually costs less per thousand dollars once you get into higher coverage amounts (e.g., $250,000). If the numbers work out, you may be able to pay a lower premium while increasing your coverage.
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Auto Insurance Solution
9:30 PM
Labels: Life Insurance
Need Auto Insurance? There is Help!
Not every driver on the road is insured. This is a danger to you and to other motorists. The responsibility of being a driver doesn’t apply to the road alone. Taking the extra measures to secure your financial safety should an accident occur is equally responsible and important. When you are ready to make the commitment of being a good driver, buying the auto insurance coverage that is right for you is important.
Even with all of the facts that we know as motorists and drivers, there are still those who prefer to drive without coverage. Sadly, too many people treat auto insurance casually, as if it were an accessory to their vehicle. The reality is that in many states, especially the state of California, driving without proper auto insurance is against the law. Doing this will result in having your vehicle impounded.
You can avoid this traumatic and embarrassing event by simply following the laws of your state and getting the required auto insurance that is needed. When some folks see that the prices of auto insurance is beyond their financial capabilities, they forego auto insurance completely and make the mistake of driving uninsured. We want to help you find the best coverage at the price you can afford. The fact is, if you drive a car, you need car insurance. Plain and simple.
Avoid the high costs of auto insurance by firstly driving safe. Follow the rules of the road and avoid accidents. When the auto insurance company sees this, they recognize that you are a safe driver and will usually reward you with low rates. Another way to enjoy the low auto insurance rates is to get good grades, if you are a student, and to follow up with proof of these good grades.
Auto insurance companies and agencies will give you options that you can choose from. Get some of the lowest quotes from various sources. Getting low rates starts with low quotes so you may have to do some research to find the lowest ones. More recently, people find the low auto insurance quotes that want from the internet.
The internet is a valuable tool for many pieces of information. In this case, finding an auto insurance company is the best possible way to get the cheap and comparable quotes you want. When you sign onto any search engine, you simply type in the type of insurance you are looking for. Some companies cater specifically to auto insurance while others are large enough and cover insurance for home, health, and auto insurance. In this day and age, there are so many ways to protect yourself and your valuables that auto insurance is simply a “given” when you buy your vehicle.
Some states require that you show proof of insurance before you drive a new car off the lot. This is standard for many car dealerships and protects all parties involved. From the dealership to the driver and others on the road, you should always be aware of the level of protection necessary in order to drive with peace of mind. Be aware that you are responsible for purchasing at least the minimum requirements when it comes to buying insurance.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
7:27 PM
Labels: auto insurance