A question often asked is whether or not securing your car will help to reduce your UK car insurance premiums.
Most insurance companies will allow consumers seeking to insure their classic car the opportunity to drive their vehicle around 5000 miles a year.
If you have more than one car to insure on the same policy then you can definitely get cheaper car insurance by availing the multiple-car discount option that many companies offer.
New Jersey car owners are required to have bodily injury and property damage liability, as well as personal injury protection (which can cover medical, rehabilitation, and funeral costs, as well as any lost earnings due to the accident
Now, in both cases if the two vehicles in the accident were carrying uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, their insurance company would take care of the excess bodily injury, and property damage costs not covered by your policy.
Again, if you are carrying the same coverage�s as listed above, 4 of the 6 people would be covered by your state minimum policy because everybody was under the $20,000 per person limit, but you maxed out your per accident bodily injury at $40,000, so you would need to take care of $20,000 of bodily injury on your own
4 of the 5 people would be covered by your state minimum policy because everybody was under the $20,000 per person limit, but you maxed out your per accident bodily injury at $40,000, so you would need to take care of the 5th person on your own.
Did you know that in order to drive legally in most states, drivers are required to purchase a minimum of liability insurance, including property damage and bodily injury? Car insurance is required in all states, to one extent or another, but drivers are still free to choose to what extent they cover their personal property and health.
A simple Internet search will lead you in the right direction if you�re looking for companies that will give you online car insurance quotes.
Buying car insurance online saves time and money�you just fill in your details, get a quote, do a comparison between quotes from different providers, choose the most beneficial one, fill the application, save it, pay the premium and in some states even print out the insurance card yourself.
If you are a first time buyer, or you have a limited budget for your car, you should carefully investigate the different insurance policies available, as some might suit you better financially.
Being caught at the scene of an accident or at any sort of traffic stop without proof of car insurance has been cause for an expensive ticket for several years.
One of the simplest ways to realizing affordable car insurance is by paying a higher deductible.
Sure, we can not stop our children from eventually driving, but we can find ways to get cheap car insurance for our driving teenagers.
Young people who want to renew their car insurance policy might have to pay more if they have been recently involved in any accident or a serious traffic violation like drunk driving.
Auto Insurance For Anyone Considering A Change
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
11:11 PM
Labels: auto insurance
Pennsylvania Car Insurance: For Residents
Pennsylvania has insurance requirements uniquely its own for its residents, and consumers can find information pertaining to specific state requirements from the Pennsylvania Insurance Department located in Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Pittsburgh by calling (877) 881-6388 or by visiting their website at http://www.ins.state.pa.us/ins/site/default.asp.
Pennsylvania is one of the United States largest no fault states. What this means is that in the event of an accident each individual will be covered by their own insurance company, regardless of which driver was responsible for the accident. This was intended to cut back on the number of lawsuits brought forth against other drivers each year. No fault does have its exceptions, however. In the event that an injury is severe enough to lead to excessive medical expenses and severe consequences the state will allow the victim to seek recompense from the individual responsible for their accident. For this reason all vehicles registered in PA are required to be covered by a liability policy. Liability will pay for at least a portion of the damages suffered by the victim’s person and their vehicle. For Pennsylvania the minimum limits are fifteen thousand dollars for the medical expenses of a single driver, thirty thousand dollars for the combined medical expenses of all of the individuals in a vehicle and five thousand for any property damages, including necessary repairs to the vehicle of the victim.
While it is not required it is suggested that all drivers purchase more than the minimum liability policy, as well as a comprehensive and collision policy. Comprehensive and collision will pay for the damages suffered by the vehicle of the driver responsible for the accident; without comprehensive and collision coverage the driver is left solely responsible for paying for their own repairs. This will also allow for recompense in the event that a vehicle must be totaled in the amount of the blue book value of the vehicle. For those cars that are still under lien comprehensive insurance may in fact be required, and be accompanied by gap insurance. Gap insurance is an option for those individuals whose cars are valued at a lesser amount than the balance of their lien, and will help provide the difference.
Uninsured motorist insurance is also strongly recommended for Pennsylvania residents due to the fact that its neighbor to the north, New York, does not require its drivers to purchase liability insurance. This means that at any given point in time a driver without liability could be traveling PA roads, and if they are involved in an accident for which they are responsible the other driver will be forced to take them to court and attempt to pull the damages from their personal assets (assuming the accident is ruled an exception to the no fault policy). Uninsured motorist insurance will help pay for some of the damages suffered by their vehicle, as well as the medical expenses and pain and suffering of the insured.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
11:01 PM
Labels: Pennsylvania Auto Insurance
Illinois Car Insurance: What Every Driver Needs to Know Before Purchasing an Car Insurance Policy
With the propaganda regarding car insurance flying across the airwaves and through the internet to the ears of the consumer it can be very easy to become caught up in the business of saving money on your car insurance. The problem with that is that most of the time when car insurance is offered at a lower premium that usually means that something else is not being offered. This begs the question, “How much can you really afford to lose?”
Every state has its own minimum requirements when it comes to car insurance, and Iliinois is no exception. Their specific guidelines can be obtained through the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation Division of Insurance in Springfield at 217/782-4515 or Chicago at 312/814-2420. Consumers can also visit their website at http://www.idfpr.com/DOI/Default2.asp .
Every vehicle in the state is required to be covered under a liability policy; that means that if the vehicle is involved in an accident for which it is responsible the damages suffered by the body of both the victim and the victim’s vehicle will be paid for. IL requires that all drivers purchase an insurance policy for their vehicle which allows for twenty thousand dollars in covered medical expenses for a single individual and forty thousand dollars in combined medical expenses for all of the vehicle’s occupants. In addition, liability will pay for fifteen thousand dollars in property damages to the victim’s vehicle and the surrounding area.
IL is also one of the few states that require its motorists to possess uninsured or underinsured motorist insurance. Since not all states require that their drivers have liability insurance it is a cinch that at some point there will be drivers without insurance on Illinois roads. Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage will provide for bodily injury and vehicle damages suffered by the insured in the event that the driver responsible for the accident did not possess liability coverage or whose coverage was not adequate to pay for the resultant expenses. This will also pay for damages suffered as a result of a hit and run.
While it is not required by the state it may be required by the lender that a car still possessing a lien obtain comprehensive and collision coverage. This way, in the event that the vehicle is damaged in an accident for which its driver is responsible it can be repaired. If the cost of the repair is greater than the blue book value of the car it will be declared as “totaled” and the cash value of the car awarded to the owner.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
10:58 PM
Labels: illinois auto insurance
Florida Car Insurance: An ABC Guide to Requirements
All Florida drivers are required to carry a minimum level of liability to the tune of ten thousand dollars for an accident involving a car with a single occupant, twenty thousand dollars for an accident involving a car with multiple occupants and ten thousand dollars for necessary property repairs, including those needed by the victim’s vehicle.
FL is a no fault state. In the event of an accident, regardless of who is at fault each driver’s own insurance company will see to their expenses. This means that all of its drivers are required to carry PIP (personal injury protection), or no fault, insurance at a minimum of ten thousand dollars. Their no fault insurance will pay for their medical expenses should they be in an accident, regardless of who is at fault. This will pay for a portion of medical benefits, lost wages and death benefits; the amount of coverage varies per company but is generally found in the vicinity of eighty percent, sixty percent and five thousand dollars, respectively.
PIP coverage will provide insurance benefits to the insured even in the event that they are not the driver of the vehicle if they are injured while in another person’s vehicle or injured while walking or riding a bike. PIP benefits will also extend to the child of the insured if they are injured on the school bus, passengers in the vehicle who do not have PIP, residents of their home or qualified other drivers driving their vehicle with their permission.
While it is not required most FL insurance companies suggest that all drivers carry comprehensive and collision insurance. This will pay for damages to their car should they be involved in an accident in which they were at fault. This is including (but not limited to) accidents involving wildlife, inclement weather and stationary objects, as well as moving vehicles.
As not all states require their drivers to obtain liability insurance it is recommended that all Floridians purchase an uninsured/underinsured motorist policy. This will provide coverage in the event that the insured is involved in a hit and run or an accident with a driver who either does not have liability insurance or whose insurance is so poor that it will not cover the costs of the damages resulting from the accident.
Many insurance companies will offer the added bonuses of rental insurance, gap coverage (which will pay the difference between the value of a vehicle and the amount remaining on its lien if the vehicle must be totaled) and reimbursement for towing services.
Further information can be found through the Office of Insurance Regulation in Tallahassee by contacting their office at (800) 342-2762 or visiting their website, http://www.stateofflorida.com/Portal/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabid=20.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
10:13 PM
Labels: Florida auto insurance
Texas Car Insurance: Requirements
Texas has its own set of requirements for its residents when it comes to auto insurance. For information pertaining to specific state regulations consumers can contact the Texas Department of Insurance, located in Austin, by calling 800-252-3439 or by accessing their website at http://www.tdi.state.tx.us/. In the meantime there are some basic rules that everyone should know.
All Texans are required to maintain liability coverage on their vehicles at all times. Liability will pay for necessary medical and repair expenses for the other party following an accident for which the insured is responsible. The state has mandated a minimum level of coverage that is considered acceptable. Liability minimums in TX are:
Twenty thousand dollars for medical expenses incurred by a single individual (driver who is alone in the car at the time of the accident)
Forty thousand dollars for the combined medical expenses of all of the occupants of the vehicle when it was struck.
Fifteen thousand dollars for any necessary property repairs, including those for the victim’s vehicle
Although it is not required it is strongly suggested that all drivers purchase a comprehensive and collision policy. This will pay for repairs to the vehicle of the insured following an accident that they have caused (liability will leave the party responsible holding the bag for the complete cost of their own repairs). In the event that the necessary repairs to the vehicle cost more than the car’s Blue Book value insurance will “total” the vehicle and award the owner the cash value of the car. Collision insurance may be required for vehicles still under lien, and for those vehicles whose Blue Book value is less than the balance on their lien for whatever reason gap coverage may be available. Gap coverage is intended to help “bridge the gap” in the event that the car must be totaled.
TX uninsured car insurance is also a wise investment. There are many states in the US that do not require liability insurance, and at any given point in time these drivers may be loose on Texas’s city street. In addition to accidents involving uninsured motorists this coverage will also assist those who become the unfortunate victims of a hit and run.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
9:58 PM
Labels: texas auto insurance
New York Car Insurance: Guidelines for Every Citizen
The consequences of not having car insurance are irrefutable; in today’s rapidly growing economy the cost of vehicle repair and medical expenses is out of reach of many. Finding the right car insurance policy can be very difficult, however, and requires at the very least a basic understanding of the minimum requirements established by the consumer’s state of residence.
Complete information about insurance options for New Yorkers can be obtained from the New York State Insurance Department at any one of their seven locations by calling 1-800-342-3736 or by visiting their website at http://www.ins.state.ny.us/. New York is a no fault state, which means that in the event of an accident it does not matter which party is responsible, each will have their expenses settled by their own insurance company. The other driver will not be held liable. This was intended to decrease the number of lawsuits per year and allow drivers who were involved in an accident to seek medical care as quickly as possible. PIP, or Personal Injury Protection, insurance is intended to cover the costs of medical care for the insured, and residents who are covered by a comprehensive health insurance policy may elect to carry only the minimum amount of PIP insurance; however, this is not recommended as PIP does not exist solely for medical expenses. It will also assist the insured with such matters as lost wages or funeral expenses following an accident if the need exists.
There are loopholes in every system and the no fault system is no exception. In the event that an injury is severe enough and medical bills excessive enough an accident victim may seek recompense from the driver who caused the accident. This loophole has led to the requirement that all NY drivers purchase a liability policy. Liability will pay for damages suffered by the vehicle and person of the victim of an accident, and in New York provides minimum benefits to the tune of twenty five thousand dollars for medical expenses accumulated by a single driver, fifty thousand dollars for the combined medical expenses of all of the occupants of the vehicle and ten thousand dollars for repairs to any property that may have been damaged in the accident, including the victim’s vehicle.
In addition to liability and PIP insurance NY also requires its drivers to carry uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance. This will pay for damages suffered by the vehicle or person of the insured in the event that they are struck by a vehicle belonging to a person who either does not possess insurance or whose insurance policy does not extend to cover the quantity of damages inflicted. Uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance also provides coverage for those drivers who find themselves the victims of a hit and run.
While not required it is suggested that drivers purchase collision/comprehensive insurance for their vehicle. In the event that a driver is responsible for an accident liability will leave them to foot the bill for their own auto repairs. Collision will provide some assistance with these costs and total the vehicle if the cost of repairs exceeds the vehicle’s blue book value. Drivers who possess a collision policy and whose vehicle is currently under lien may elect to purchase gap cover will make up the difference between the value received for the car and the amount remaining on the lien in the event that the car must be totaled and the blue book value is less than the amount remaining on its lien.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
9:53 PM
Labels: new york auto insurance
California Car Insurance: Requirements Every Motorist Should Know
There’s no doubt about it, California provides a cornucopia of sights and sounds for those who have not lived there long enough to become jaded; however, California’s population is steadily growing and as a result there are more drivers on California roads then ever before. This means that it is absolutely essential for every motorist to carry a quality car insurance policy.
Like most states CA has made it a requirement for every driver to possess liability insurance. Liability will pay for damages inflicted to the body and vehicle of the driver whose vehicle was struck by the insured. The minimum level of coverage is as follows: fifteen thousand dollars for medical expenses if there was only one occupant of the vehicle, thirty thousand dollars for the combined expenses of all occupants of the vehicle and five thousand dollars to pay for additional property damages, including vehicle repair. This is considerably less than is required in other areas of the country.
While liability will pay for the damages to the other driver’s vehicle it leaves the driver responsible for the accident holding the bag for their own repairs. Collision and comprehensive insurance exists to pay for these costs. Aside from accidents with other vehicles this also allows the insured to have necessary repairs made at their insurance company’s expense (less the amount of their deductible) in the event that damages were caused by other factors, such as rolling off of an icy road or being struck by a deer.
Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage will pay for repairs to the vehicle of the insured and any medical expenses incurred as a result of injury suffered by the insured in the event that they are involved in either a hit and run or an accident with a driver who does not carry insurance or whose level of coverage is insufficient to pay for all expenses.
Neither collision and comprehensive insurance or uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage are required for CaA drivers; however, they are strongly recommended, as well as carrying a liability policy greater than the minimum required. More information regarding California auto insurance can be obtained by contacting the California Department of Insurance in Los Angeles at 800-927-HELP (4357) or by visiting their website, http://www.insurance.ca.gov.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
9:44 PM
Labels: california auto insurance
The Global Strategic Business Report on the Automotive & Vehicle Insurance Industry Provides Insightful Analysis, Market Overview, Structure, Types of
Research and Markets (http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/c93425) has announced the addition of Automotive & Vehicle Insurance Industry - Global Strategic Business Report to their offering.
The Automotive & Vehicle Insurance Industry Report provides insightful analysis, market overview, structure, types of auto insurance, and outlook of the industry. Richly laden with qualitative and quantitative analysis, the report provides the reader with a rudimentary statistical preface to global auto insurance industry. A synopsized discussion offers preludes to regional auto insurance markets such as the United States, Canada, Japan, Europe (France, Germany, The UK), Asia-Pacific, and Latin America. The closely summarized market report is designed to offer a macro level picture of the trends, market structure, recent mergers & acquisitions, and strategic corporate developments witnessed by the industry. Also provided is a compilation of recent past/ historical perspective of the industry, and strategic corporate developments and product launches within it. The report examines the leading companies' footing in the industry at global and/ or regional level, along with their annual written premiums. Global key and niche players briefly discussed and abstracted in the report include Allianz SE, American International Group, Inc., Amlin Plc., Assicurazioni Generali, Aviva Plc., CGU Insurance, Dai-ichi Mutual Life Insurance, Farmers Insurance Group, Generali -Providencia, Groupama, Insurance Australia Group Ltd. (IAG), Legal & General Group Plc., Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., Millea Holdings, Inc., Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company, Ltd., NFU Mutual Insurance Co., PICC Property and Casualty Company Ltd., PT Asuransi Tokio Marine Indonesia, Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group, Sumitomo Life Insurance, Suncorp Metway Insurance Ltd, and Zurich Australia Insurance Limited.
Chapter Titles Include:
1. Auto Insurance - An Introduction
2. A Regional Perspective
3. Product Launches
4. Product Launches in Past
5. Recent Industry Activity
6. Industry Activity in the Past
7. Focus on Select Players Worldwide
Companies Mentioned:
- Allianz Corn hill, UK
- Allianz SE, Germany
- American International Group, Inc., US
- Amlin Plc, UK
- Assicurazioni Generali, Italy
- Aviva Plc, UK
- CGU Insurance, Australia
- CSOB Pojistovna, Czech Republic
- Dai-ichi Mutual Life Insurance, Japan
- Direct Line, UK
- Ecclesiastical Insurance Group, UK
- Equity Insurance Group Ltd, UK
- Farmers Insurance Group, US
- Generali -Providencia, Hungary
- Groupama, France
- Grupo Bradesco de Seguros, Brazil
- Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., US
- Hilb Rogal & Hobbs Company, US
- Insurance Australia Group Ltd. (IAG), Australia
- Legal & General Group Plc, UK
- Liberty Mutual Group, US
- Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., US
- Millea Holdings, Inc., Japan
- Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company, Ltd., Japan
- NatWest Life, UK
- NFU Mutual Insurance Co., UK
- Pacifica - Credit Agricole, France
- Partner Reinsurance Company Ltd, Bermuda
- PICC Property and Casualty Company Ltd., China
- PT Asuransi Tokio Marine Indonesia, Indonesia
- RESO-Garantia, Russia
- Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group, UK
- Sompo Japan Insurance Inc., Japan
- State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, US
- Sumitomo Life Insurance, Japan
- Suncorp Metway Insurance Ltd, Australia
- The Travelers Companies, Inc, US
- United Services Automobile Association, US
- Zurich Australia Insurance Limited, Australia
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
9:43 PM
Labels: car insurance news
Huntington Beach cheap auto insurance - Henderson car insurance rates - Thousand Oaks car insurance quotes 659
Snow and ice upon a pavement create merely transient danger, and the only duty upon the property owner or tenant is to act within a reasonable time after notice to remove it when it is in a dangerous condition. Ask your regular passengers about their own health insurance policies and its coverage. Several industries, particularly the insurance industry favors this system because it lowers legal fees which account for up to 15 percent of the cost of auto insurance. For more information about Evan Aidman, a Delaware County, PA Personal Injury Lawyer and his work with clients with serious injuries click here: Delaware County, PA Attorney.
However the "first party" benefits a policyholder receives from her own no fault insurance company are not mandatory and the benefits may be lower that in the "true" no fault states. Whether your boat provides family recreation or a personal getaway, make sure to purchase an insurance policy for your boat that will cover all four of the above situations before you hit the water; that way, you can enjoy yourself knowing you and your boat are protected after you set sail. Click Here for Attorney Aidman's website: Delaware County, PA Attorney. Reviewing your home owner insurance policy annually, or whenever you make changes to your home, your homes contents, and your valuables, will undoubtedly make changes to your insurance rates. The coverage for the uninsured motorist protects the insurance holder in case he or she has an accident with an uninsured person.
Further, the doctrine of hills and ridges does not apply in a case where there is no evidence that generally slippery conditions prevailed at the time at the time of the accident. Let's look at the main kinds of cover and attempt to throw a little light on the subject. Trying to get insurance cover can be a real minefield to most people. Home Owners Insurance Quote DelawareCar Insurance Quotes FloridaHealth Insurance Quote Tennessee. Paying closer attention to your driving habits and the rules of the roads, you are less likely to get as many traffic citations, and less likely to be in any accidents that would involve filing an insurance claim.
Below are several tips for saving money on your quotes and rates based on the factors considered by home owner insurance companies. It provides the insurance policies that should possibly have been supplied by the other party. For example, when a customer in a grocery store slips on grapes, the customers attention may have been drawn by a catchy advertisement or display put up by the store.
This is called "comparative negligence." (See Chapter 9 of the complete book for a discussion of comparative negligence.) Defendants argue that the claimant should have seen the hazard and avoided it. Whether your boat provides family recreation or a personal getaway, make sure to purchase an insurance policy for your boat that will cover all four of the above situations before you hit the water; that way, you can enjoy yourself knowing you and your boat are protected after you set sail. It is then easy to show that the property owner should have known of it and should have had the crack repaired. Comprehensive insurance policies protect the insurance holder in the unfortunate situation that their automobile or other vehicle is taken without the owner's permission, damaged illegally, harmed by an act of nature or damaged otherwise. The purpose of the hills and ridges doctrine is to protect landowners from liability for slippery conditions of which the owner may not have notice or sufficient opportunity to make safe.
Collision coverage pays for all damages to a automobile or other vehicle when it is in collision with another automobile or other vehicle or non-vehicular object, even if the insurance holder is at fault. Avoid including the value of your land when considering rebuilding costs. To get free quotes and learn more about insurance please visit the following recommended sites.
These include anti-theft alarms, sturdy doors and windows, dead bolt locks, and smoke detectors. Many elements of an auto insurance policy that could be optional are cover for the uninsured motorist and personal injury protection. Several industries, particularly the insurance industry favors this system because it lowers legal fees which account for up to 15 percent of the cost of auto insurance.
Covers the medical costs of anyone injured on your boat, or because of your boat. You could be missing out on cheap car insurance simply you have added to your car. No fault insurance applies to state in which an insurance company will pay for minor injuries resulting from an accident regardless of who is at fault. So there we have it, whether you require PIP and at what level, depends on several factors: where you live, your driving habits, your employment, your health, your personal circumstances and your level of existing cover.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
9:37 PM
Labels: car insurance news