You can exclude the spouse with the bad driving record from the policy. Many carriers will do this for you.
Or, if your state doesn't allow excluded drivers on policies for spouses or resident relatives, you'll probably have to pay the hefty premiums to cover both the people.
Be careful of the excluded driver option, however. With an excluded driver endorsement, there is NEVER any coverage for the excluded driver -- EVER. Sounds pretty obvious until that person gets behind the wheel and wipes out a busload of nuns. Interestingly, people tend to forget all about being an excluded driver under those circumstances.
hahaaa where we live there is no public transportation. I got excluded driver ins. but i am not comfortable with it but the payments for other insurance is over my head at the time being. thank you for your advice on this question.
How do you get insurance when one spouse has DUIs and a suspended license and the other has a clean driving record?
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
11:28 PM
How can you get auto insurance after 2 DWIs?
Assuming the courts haven't taken away your license, you'll need to contact a "high-risk" carrier like Progressive. If you've had to file an SR-22, you would give it to the carrier and go from there.
It's going to be very, very pricey, by the way, for about five years. And even after that, your record will probably keep your premiums pretty high.
You take the bus for the next five years.
It's simple. Take your license to DMV, tell them you surrender it and ask for a plain ID card. Stay off public roads at least 7 years.
After that, re-apply all over again then the convictions (as long as no deaths resulted) should be totally erased. Then you'll be able to get insurance through whoever you want.
Please stay off the roads!
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
11:26 PM
How do you add a non-owned car insurance option to a car insurance policy in the USA?
From a retired California Insurance Broker. The question is not clear as to the issue. When you have a US car insurance policy and you drive a car not owned by the policy holder you are automatically protected as to Liabality unless excluded. Most policy does not exclude such coverage. The phycial damage to the non owned car will not be coverd under your US policy. In commercial auto policy you may add non owned cars but not in personal auto policy. If you have a US auto policy you may decline when renting a car the liabily portion whic is the most expensive. Again check with your Broker to be certain that your policy does not exclude car rental, if not then only accept to buy physical damage only. Some credit card offers Insurance when the rental is charge to the card. A word of caution please call the credit card company and ask them if such insurance covers Liability and physical damage. Car insurance is divided into two major area 1. Liabilty. 2. Physical camage to the car which includes theft.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
11:26 PM
Labels: How do you add a non-owned car insurance option to a car insurance policy in the USA?
Who's responsible for an error on insurance forms?
This is a strange situation, because almost all automobile insurance policies carry a grace period of at least 15 days (usually it's thirty) for adding a new vehicle. And, in your case, it's a replacement vehicle, so it's not like you're trying to insure two vehicles for the price of one.
Unless your policy expired or was cancelled -- or unless it has something to do with your vehicle being a lease -- I can't imagine why your carrier would deny coverage.
It's unlikely you have any recourse against the dealer, who would (rightly) assume the coverage had been transferred. You need to dig deeper with your own insurance and find out just why they denied coverage, as well as ask for a copy of your policy and get your carrier to quote the specific language on which their denial is based.
If you can't discover any reason in your policy why they would deny, this would certainly be a matter to bring up with your state's division of insurance (usually locatable on the web or in the blue pages of your phone book). Most divisions of insurance are fairly powerless unless they discover an insurance company has contravened a provision in a first-party policy, at which time they can help you quite a bit (including fining your carrier).
Even though this question was from July, I felt compelled to add the following:
If it turns out that your carrier does have a provision in your policy that automatically cancels the coverage when a replacement vehicle is purchased or leased, you definitely need to notify your division of insurance. There is abundant case law to show how such a provision would be contrary to public policy. To place a paying insured (you) in such a risky situation, not to mention the effects to an injured claimant if you had an accident, is really quite absurd.
When yo purchase a new or used vehicle and do not call the insurance company right away are you covered on the new car even as you are fully covered on other cars in your name. Also if you are a dealer and sell a car to a person after hours and are unable to verify the coverages, are you liable if th ebuyer has a accident before the insurance is placed on the car he bought? Thanks Brain
If you were insuring a vehicle you didn't own on your policy because you assumed that the car dealer would 'take care of it' then you are the one who is responsible. A couple of things:
No reputable insurance company is going to take the word of a car dealer to remove a vehicle, or even confirm you have coverage, on a policy without your OK first.
Your policy states that it is your responsibility to notify the company when changes occur.
However, if you provide proof that the vehicle left your custody on X date (namely a bill of sale or lading) then the insurance company will likely backdate the removal of the vehicle.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
11:24 PM
Can you get car insurance while visiting the US on a visa?
Well, dealerships and insurance companies are very strict now, and it would depend on what dealership or insurance agency you're planning on working with. On the insurance, it may be a problem because some agencies just deal with people who have a license in that state. And because you have an international license, your rates may be high anyway. I suggest that you call around to check up on that.
I hope that I was a little helpful to you.
Yes, Progressive offers auto insurance even if you hold a International Drivers License but you need to own or lease a car to get it. They do not offer insurance on a rented car.
If you're in Illinois you can contact O'Reilly Insurance Agency at 773-583-8300 from 12 noon to 8 p.m. daily to buy Drive Insurance from Progressive for a permanent or temporary policy. You must bring your home country driver's license.
While it may be difficult to get your own policy while driving on an International Driver's License, I have found that often you may be added, as a rider, to the policy of a U.S. resident. If you have friends or family, tell them to ask their insurance agent, or have the agent check with the underwriters since the agent may be unfamilliar with this.
AIG International Services has a program specifically for foreign nationals with Visas. They can insure you with your International driving permit and they consider your overseas driving history. Their rates are very good. or 877-708-6995
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
11:24 PM
Labels: Can you get car insurance while visiting the US on a visa?
What type of insurance does a person carry for driving a company car for personal use?
Many insurance companies offer a "non-owners" policy for just such situations.
If you own and insure an other vehicle, it would likely cover and claims of negligence made against you by third parties, in addition to any coverage for liability afforded you while on company business for your employer/company car owner.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
11:22 PM
Labels: What type of insurance does a person carry for driving a company car for personal use?
Can you legally use a different address to get cheaper insurance?
No, that's called insurance fraud. The company may not press criminal charges, but they won't pay any claims if they find out.
That's one thing I'd have to agree with Roy on. Insurance fraud dosen't always result in criminal liability, but under some jurisdictions in this country a claim DENIAL constitutes the same weight as being involved in an accident with no liability insurance, in which case you may have to appear in court plus you'd loose your Driver License for a very long time.
If I were you I would obtain a copy of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Manual and study it real carefully. Good Luck!
In most areas large portions of your auto insurance bill is to pay for fraud. When you think about fraud most time you conjure up images of the guy staging an accident and wearing a neck brace to court. Often times insurance fraud is jut lying to you insurance company about something simple, like the location your vehicle is primarily kept. Insurance companies use this information to charge the right rate for the risk. If you get a lower rate by lying about a key fact in determining your rate, it does not change the risk. The claims pay out is the same. Therefore the unassigned risk must be charge somewhere else. All the honest people are paying for it. Whether it�s one guy defrauding $100,000 from the insurance company in a staged accident or 1,000 people defrauding $100 by lying about their address, it�s $100,000 someone else has to pay for. I would encourage anyone that knows of any fraud to do everything in their power to report it.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
11:18 PM
Labels: Can you legally use a different address to get cheaper insurance?
What insurance is needed to pick up and deliver other people's cars?
Liability insurance
Talk to any insurance agent, but I would think any business liability insurance would cover you. Actually, the owner's insurance would probably cover any liability to someone you hit with his car, and if he has full coverage, his damage too. However, that company will probably try to recover its payout from you.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
11:17 PM
Labels: What insurance is needed to pick up and deliver other people's cars?
Why is liability insurance required on two identical vehicles owned by the same person with no other drivers?
Your recluse can crash the first pickup into a school bus at a gas station, then walk home and drive the second one into an armored car, forcing it into the path of . . . . . .
Don't know about Oklahoma law, but if your recluse moves to Kansas, he won't be able to get tags for the second vehicle without proof of liability insurance. But I suppose your next question is "Why can't he use the same licence plates since he can only drive one at a time?" But, the whole question is invalid because there cannot be a "mountain recluse" in Oklahoma. Perhaps he needs to move north and build his cabin on Mount Sunflower. Elevation from sea level, 4039 feet. Elevation from surrounding wheat fields, about 3 feet.
Insurance laws are based on vehicle coverage rather than driver coverage. Even a mountain recluse may loan his second vehicle to another mountain recluse who comes to visit once every ten years. Although it may be unlikely that the visiting recluse would have an accident, the possibility still exists and so there must be insurance on that vehicle.
Simple answer: Although no-one else is listed other drivers may be driving your car (e.g. lend your car to someone insured or not) and your insurer ultimately may have to pay if they cause damage to property or people.
Probably the biggest item is fraud.
Other "Murphy's law" items, your parked car rolls down a hill and hits something/someone. Rooftop parking collapses due to weight of car. Explosions....etc.
You usually get a multicar discount (although it is clearly not 1/2).
If it were possible to guarantee that no-one else drives the cars, that you are perfectly honest, and the car is parked in an open field (which you own) then the premium should (in theory) be half.
Why do you have two of the same car anyway?
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
11:15 PM
Can you drive your sibling's car?
Driving your sibling's car
You don't mention whether or not you and your sister live in the same residence. If you do, it can cause problems because you would be considered a family member under her policy, and if driving her car, her carrier would likely require you to be on her policy. If you live together, and your sister neglects to add you to her policy, her insurance carrier could deny coverage because your sister misrepresented herself on her application.
If you're talking about occasionally driving your sister's car, that's usually not an issue. But all the time is an entirely different matter, even if you don't live together.
Essentially, the premium, or money, your sister pays to her carrier is based on her being the driver. It doesn't include a rating for you as a driver. As you probably know, insurance rates vary from car to car, person to person, household to household. This is because several factors make up insurance rates. It's not an "across-the-board" fee schedule. Expecting your sister's insurance company to cover you, even though you aren't rated on her policy, is like walking into a car dealership, paying for a Ford Focus, but expecting to leave with a Ford Explorer.
Finally, if you're just driving your sister's car occasionally and it's not an issue of being a family member, etc., her insurance would likely cover any accidents you have. Insurance typically follows the car unless the carrier discovers misrepresentation or other factors that make it clear they shouldn't be primary on a loss.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
10:45 PM
Do parents have to pay more for car insurance if they add their child to the policy?
Car insurance
Yes, I do think that insurance companies will raise the cost of insurance, because you are a teenager(well that's what I'm guessing). But, it may go up even higher when you get your driver's license because you would be able to drive by yourself most of the time without a parent. And insurance statistics confirm that teenagers drive fast, wreckless, and less-experienced. So the good has to suffer because of the bad. So to answer your question, the rates will most likely go up, but not as much as if you were on your own insurance.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
10:43 PM
Labels: Do parents have to pay more for car insurance if they add their child to the policy?
Can you use your parents' insurance policy to cover a car that's in your name?
Insurance policies
I know if your under a certain age you can. I have a car UNDER MY NAME, and it's under my parents insurance. I think it might be 21 or 23 where that stops. It is NOT 18.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
10:42 PM
Labels: Can you use your parents' insurance policy to cover a car that's in your name?
Do you have to add your child to your car insurance if they drive only occasionally?
All licensed household members should be listed.Especially a youthfull operator who, because of inexperience is more likely to have an auto accident. Even if it's an "old car" and you can easily replace it liabilty for injury to another person or property is what really can be costly. Since this 17 year old is still a minor if he/she hurts someone YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE! And that can run you into the thousands of dollars and your insurance company won't pay a dime if the dhild was not listed on your policy. Even for the slightly older child, say 18 to 20 something, whom some have argued doesn't have much to lose. How about a court that orders his/her wages to be garnished for the next decade to pay for damages?
WHEN your child lives in your home and turns sixteen (or legal driving age in your state), and they get a license, the insurance company automatically charges you more . You could swear on a stack of bibles and sign an affidavit that the kid WILL NEVER DRIVE YOUR CAR, but they still charge! They assume the kid WILL drive your car at some point and there is no getting around it!!
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
10:39 PM
Labels: Do you have to add your child to your car insurance if they drive only occasionally?
Do you need to be added to your parent's insurance in order to drive their car?
Insured drivers
If you have a permit and reside with your parents and have a license or permit, you should be listed on their policy even if you do not intend to drive the car. If not, a claim could be denied if you did drive it because the insurance company was not informed of this risk. Their rates will be higher, but not that much. It would be a larger increase if you were a boy.
If you live in the same household as your sister, everything above applies to your situation, too. Otherwise, if you have an unrestricted license and use her car only occasionally, her insurance will cover you unless there is a specific clause in her policy which excludes other drivers.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
10:32 PM
Labels: Do you need to be added to your parent's insurance in order to drive their car?
Do you have to have a drivers license when you get insurance on a new car?
New insurance
You can buy and insure a car without a lisence. You just can't drive it.
More input from FAQ Farmers:
I am unaware of a company that sells insurance to people without a drivers license number first on file. This is usually necessary to check for tickets and / or accidents. Check with your local state DOI (Dept of Insurance) for state specific laws and regulations that you & the insurance company may be subject to.
My company would insure you, but if there was a claim we would not pay it.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
10:29 PM
Labels: Do you have to have a drivers license when you get insurance on a new car?
Does one need auto insurance to drive with a learner's permit in New Jersey?
Auto insurance
You would need insurance if you are the owner of the vehicle. Assuming that you are a teenager you cannot register a vehicle or purchase insurance in your name until you are 18.
The car would need to be registered to an adult and they would have to carry the insurance and list you as a driver.
You can lose everything you have if you have an accident and are not insured. The other party can obtain a judgement which can follow you for years.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
10:24 PM
Labels: Does one need auto insurance to drive with a learner's permit in New Jersey?
What can you do if your name is on the title but someone else drives it and it has no insurance?
I would report her immedialtely. BTW how is the car registered if has no insurance? And did you know until the loan is paid off, not only YOU, your EX but the BANK is the owner too! So they require to keep insurance on the (their if you like) car as well! This is a dangerous situation, get out of it ASAP
You do not need insurance to register a vehicle in three states.
Those states are New Hampshire, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.
Neither has mandatory insurance, and you do not need insurance in those two states to purchase buy, license or drive a vehicle.
You are however still liable for damages caused by your vehicle if you are at fault.
Also, your will still need mandatory insurance if there is a loan on the car as stated in the above answer.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
10:22 PM
Labels: What can you do if your name is on the title but someone else drives it and it has no insurance?
Why do some car insurance companies only write six month policies?
I don't think there's any reason except that they like to be able to raise their rates that often.
In a broader sense, it is so the company can reevaluate its risk and adjust your rate properly. Sometimes your rate may go up at the six month point and sometimes it may go down.
If you only could purchase a 12 month policy a company would be more inclined to charge more to cover the possibility that they would be assuming additional risk.
In response to your question, I have to first assume that Roy has no idea how insurance works, although Nicholas is right on track. A lot of times, rates change, up or down, and this gives the company the chance to either please you, or piss you off, neither of which is their ultimate goal. They are running a business, and just like all other businesses, they must make sure they don't go bankrupt, and that means raising rates when they pay out too many claims. Simply put, each company can do what they want, but I wouldn't recommend basing a large portion of your decision on this fact. Check out (Insurance Information Institute) for more info as they have large quantities of pertinent info when shopping for insurance and you aren't sure how the system works. any questions, email
Hey, Sean, my answer was the same as yours. Except I guess it is POSSIBLE that they will reduce their rates but I've never seen that happen on an auto policy.
I have seen auto insurance companies reduce rates...espically in NY. NY is one of the most expensive states for auto insurance. I do believe that 6 month polcies are issued in order to controll cancellations, prevent fraud and adjust the policies of the "bad drivers" so that the "good drivers" can catch the premium break that they deserve.
It all has to do with what insurance is. Insurance is the transference of risk. You pay a premium to the insurance company, it turn they agree to indemnify you, or put you back to the financial status you were previously at prior to a claim within the limits you have selected. In simple terms you hit someone and owe for damage to his car, his injuries, damage to you car, and your injuries. Assuming you have all the coverages needed at the limits needed the insurance company pays for all this so you are now at the same place financially you were prior to the accident. That being said the, money you pay in premium is for the possibility of a future claim, not claims already paid. This insurance company must predict how much money will be paid on average for the next policy term for a pool of risk. It�s like selling a product without knowing how much it will cost you to produce until after you have already sold it. Knowing this, it�s amazing insurance companies know how much to charge. Charge too much and you�ll lose customers to more competitive companies. Charge too little and you loose the company. You have to be as accurate as possible. This is why no insurance company should want to charge too much or too little. Auto insurance is so dynamic that it is almost impossible to predict more than six months in the future how much will be paid in claims. Variables such as people moving from one place to another, explosions in popularity of more destructive vehicles like SUVs, changes in driving habits like driving while talking on cell phones, and changes in jury awards are all variables that usually cannot be accounted for until the last minute. Further hindering insurance companies is the fact most states mandate that any rate change, up or down, must be approved through a lengthy government bureaucracy. This will slow down the process of charging the appropriate rates for the risk when time is crucial. This is why you will find that most insurance companies will offer only six month policies for autos. If you think it�s all about insurance companies wanting to charge more every six month, then why are home owner�s policies usually a twelve month policy?
And it all goes back to the original answer. The companies want to be able to adjust their rates.
Yes, I agree. It is about being more nimble on adjusting premiums. However, that can work in your favor also. Consider: An insurance company in most states can only charge for a conviction (a ticket) for 36 months from the conviction date (the date you paid it, or went to court.) However, the insurance company is not required nor is it even expected to stop charging for a ticket in the middle of a policy period. So if you got a ticket on 12/1/02 you would expect the reduced rates to come around 12/1/05. However, if your policy renews on 11/15/05 then if you have an annual policy you won't actually see the reduced rates until 11/15/06.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
10:22 PM
Labels: Why do some car insurance companies only write six month policies?
Can you get new auto insurance if you let your old policy expire?
New auto insurance
There might be an internal "30-day rule" within certain companies, but you can get insurance with a new company. You may have to do a bit of footwork, and it might not be with a standard carrier, but it is possible.
A carrier with this "rule" is probably just wanting to verify what kind of customer you'd be, particularly in the area of premium payments (are you always on time? regularly late?). Insurance companies are, after all, businesses ... they want to know you'll be a good client.
Do some shopping around, though, and you'll find coverage. Once you've established coverage, however, remember to go back and do some more shopping, especially for better rates.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
10:21 PM
Labels: Can you get new auto insurance if you let your old policy expire?
Can insurance be transferred to a new vehicle?
Insurance transfer
Most companies automatically cover the new car when you trade, but you need to notify them of the change as soon as possible. The newer car will probably increase the premium.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
10:20 PM
Can you get your car insurance before you've moved to the state?
New address
If you have an address in the new state.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
10:20 PM
Labels: Can you get your car insurance before you've moved to the state?
Where do you find commercial automotive liability coverage?
Liability coverage
This is a very odd request from the leasor. Unless you and your friends are incorporated or considered a business, no insurance carrier would sell you this type of policy. Also, any such coverage would probably duplicate the liability coverage you already carry on your vehicles.
Instead, you might ask the leasor to consider writing in a "hold harmless" agreement in your lease. This basically places any liability back on you, and keeps the leasor safe. Quite frankly, given the situation you described, I can't imagine what the leasor needs to be safe from, unless it's a case of off-roading and the land is open or available to the public. It's possible the leasor is worried that the land is an "attractive nuisance," meaning people can enter it freely and run the risk of being hit by a vehicle being driven by you or your friends.
Try the "hold harmless" agreement first, though. That usually does the trick.
More input from FAQ Farmers:
For bus and 15 passanger vans 5million dollars coverge
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
10:19 PM
Labels: Where do you find commercial automotive liability coverage?
In Florida are you still covered for 3 weeks even after non payment and they cancel you?
Cancelled insurance
"They cancell you" What part of "Cancelled " don't you understand?
The insurance company is a BUSINESS, if you don't pay them on time, they CANCEL you. BE an adult and take care of your responsibilites.
"Ok, Here is the thing! You also get what you payed for!!! Understand that if you payed for three month's, you have three months of insurance. If you, have not paid for this three weeks---then you are $hit out of luck. Pay off your, debt -it does go against your credit."
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
10:17 PM
Labels: In Florida are you still covered for 3 weeks even after non payment and they cancel you?
What is the difference between assigned risk and non-standard auto programs?
Answer :
Assigned risk is insurance issued by the state. I've never had the need to sell anyone an assigned risk policy in 3 yrs.
Answer :
Assigned Risk auto insurance is insurance placed by the state. The agent submits the auto application to the state assigned risk plan. The state plan then assigns the application to a licensed insurance company for issue. The agent may or may not have a contractual relationship with the assigned carrier. Generally the assigned carrier is required to offer insurance for three years only.
Non-standard auto insurance is purchased from the agent or directly from the company. If purchased from an agent that agent has a contractual relationship to the company issuing the policy.
Posted by
Auto Insurance Solution
10:16 PM
Labels: assigned risk, non-standard auto programs