
Montana Car Insurance: A Quick Guide to Car Insurance for Residential and Urban

For whatever reason every state in the US has elected to establish their own set of insurance rules, and Montana is no exception. Prior to purchasing car insurance all residents should discover the precise details of their state’s requirements. In Montana residents can do this by contacting the Montana State Auditor in Helena by calling (406) 444-2040 or visiting their website at http://sao.mt.gov/.

Montana’s only requirement for its residents is that they carry liability insurance on their vehicles in case they are responsible for an accident. Minimum liability will pay twenty five thousand dollars for a single occupant’s medical expenses, fifty thousand dollars for the total medical expenses of all the occupants of a vehicle at the time of an accident and ten thousand dollars for any property damages resulting from the accident, including but not limited to those damages suffered by the vehicle of the other driver.

With medical care and auto repair costs on the rise these expenses can quickly rise above these levels. Since the insured will be held personally liable for any expenses not covered by insurance it is strongly recommended that all drivers carry more than the minimum level of insurance. It is also strongly recommended that all drivers purchase a comprehensive and collision policy to pay for the damages to their own vehicle following such an accident. Comprehensive insurance will pay for repairs up to the Blue Book value of the car; if the cost of repair exceeds this amount the vehicle may be considered “totaled” and the owner awarded the cash value of the car. For this reason many lenders require that any vehicle purchased with an auto loan carry comprehensive insurance.

Uninsured motorist insurance is also not required but strongly recommended. Many states in the US do not require that their drivers purchase liability insurance. That means that at any given point in time there could be hundreds of drivers on the road with no insurance, and any one of them could cause an accident. MT uninsured motorist insurance helps pay for medical expenses and vehicular repairs following an incident with one of these uninsured drivers or a hit and run.

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