
How do you find out if someone has a life insurance policy on you?

Life Insurance on You?
Here is some input from FAQ Farmers:

If you feel that someone has fradulently placed an insurance policy on you, please contact the Medical Information Bureau by going to www.mib.com. They have a fraud investigation department.

I have done some research and www.policylocater.com seems to be the best result so far.

The only way someone can have a life insurance policy on you is if you signed an application giving your consent. Other than this, your parents might have taken out a policy on you before you were 15 years old. If this is the case, then they wouldn't have needed your signature.

First of all, did you sign an application? Second, try this link: http://moneycentral.msn.com/content/Insurance/Insureyourlife/P35421.asp. For more info see www.steveshorr.com/life.htm

Ask your parents.

Did you sign an application? Did she have an "Insurable Interest?"

Insurers use extreme caution when issuing such policies. In some states the law requires the insurer to notify the person of the action and major insurance companies will notify the person whether it is required by law or not. Be that as it may, checking with the Medical Information Bureau to find out if any inquiries have been made into one's medical history might be of some help. http://www. mib.com.

See the Related Link for "Steve Shorr Insurance" to the right for the answer.

You'll have to ask them. There is no database that you can access for that information.

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